Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A First for Me

Well, I know I was not his first choice for a partner in this task.

We own a ranch. We know we are blessed by the Lord to be stewards over this piece of His creation for this season in our lives. We thank Him for the privilege of caring for this land.

Shortly after we be came "ranchers"(we had never done any thing like this in our lives...knowledge of ranch & ranching...ZERO) it seemed to become necessary to acquire some cattle. Several cows and one bull...followed by many baby calves...a few more cows and one more bull & many more baby calves.

There are some funny stories about the Jeffrey family and their of MJ deciding he could ride a cow...a week or so later AJ decides he can jump on one from behind & he makes it, for a while!(both rides were fairly short...I doubt either would have lasted for the 8 seconds at the rodeo but the pictures did thrill the g'kids & nephews.) Other stories for another day.

Along with this ranch and the cattle the Lord also provided an amazing blessing of a friend. He & MJ met and became friends quickly after our land purchase. He lives right across the road and he knows about cows.

Last week when it was time to take the calf crop to the sale the plan was for them to go together as they usually do. Well,on Monday our friend called MJ & let him know he was not going to be available on Tuesday b/c of something that came up with his work.

Soooo, I was the only other breathing human that was standing there so I was pressed into service. MJ & I were both saddened by his choice of a helper.

I had one task to do correctly...hold the rope with just the right tension and at just the right moment let it go and the gate falls & all the calves are in the trailer. I was tense but I did it! Now the only problem is I am now seen as qualified to help again.

Inside the trailer were nine calves. The entire drive to Eastland I could barely breathe just wondering if one of them was claustrophobic...decided one was and it was the one in the middle...oh my. If you are claustrophobic you understand.

expect blessing

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you said yes to the task and found out you could do it. I know how amazed I was when I watched you feed those big ole wild cows all by yourself! Your courage in the face of danger just astounds me. I know you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to, and now you know it, too!
