Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How I Met The Man!

Well, this is just about the most amazing story in my life! When I think about it, I know the hand of the Lord was orchestrating plans that I could have never imagined. I did not know to dream as large and exciting as my life has been with MJ!

We met the summer between our junior and senior year in high school and I am telling you the truth that my dear mother passed away 4 years ago and she went to glory without getting all of these details from me. (The statute of limitations did not run out with my mother!) I know enough about my legalistic self back in those days that I did not come right out and lie to her but I am sure, you might say, that as junior in high school, I was creative with my answers. I also must say, that if either of my daughters had followed in these particular footsteps of their mother I would have probably lost my hair in clumps.

Here is the story as I remember...this post may come as multiple posts...

After church on a Sunday night a friend asked me to go "riding around" (which was what you did in the summer back then) with her. After we had been to the usual stops on the east side we decided to drive over to Arlington. There was this gathering place for the high school crowd, it was a place like a Sonic. We pulled her nice car in and right next to us were these two very cute guys in a convertable. One was MJ and the other was his cousin. We began to talk and not only were they cute they were funny...I really remember us talking a while and doing a lot of laughing. Next, is what I can't believe I did, because I had not done this before, we gave them our phone numbers!!!!

We gave them those numbers, they called us about a week later and ask us out. MJ asked the other girl out and his cousin asked me out. Neither one of us could go. We did not hear from them again.

In October of the next fall, the same girl ask me after church if I would go with her to Arlington to take something back to a friends house. Sure! We took an annual back to her friend were driving down Park Row, pulled up at a stop light, MJ pulls up right next to us! We pull into a 7/11 parking lot and talk again. He calls me the next day and we have been chatting ever since!!!

There are so many details here that are amazing to me even yet...I was the church going girl, he was not raised in a family that churched anywhere. Our backgrounds are as different as could be. NOW, this will have to come to a close because this man that was that young handsome boy that did not know the Lord at all has just called me as handsome funny older man leaving the elders meeting and is ready to drive to the ranch at 10:30 PM...the adventure that is my life continues...more later, my friends!


  1. Nothing like a good cliff-hanger to get things rolling! I am literally on the EDGE of my seat waiting for the rest of this story. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. mom- what a treasure you are giving generations to come by writing these things down. I sure love u!

  3. Great start and I look forward to reading the sweet I Do's, but then the next chapter begins! I can hardly wait to read "The Air Force Years," not to mention "My Life as a Motel Manager!" Now that's when it gets good!!
